rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) getwd() setwd("C:/Users/luigi/Dropbox/TOPIC MODEL/") getwd() library(newsmap) library(quanteda) library(keyATM) library(quanteda) library(magrittr) ######################################### ######################################### ################################################################ ########## Let's estimate Newsmap ################################################################ ######################################### ######################################### # Step 1: let's begin with 6 texts text_en <- c(text1 = "This is an article about Italy", text2 = "Milan is a beautiful Italian city", text3= "I miss the sea of Spain", text4="Granada is an ancient Spanish city", text5 = "We liked food more in Siena than in Milan", text6 = "In Granada you can feel history all around you") corp <- corpus(text_en) feat_dfm_en <- dfm(corp , tolower = TRUE) # Step 2: let's apply a dictionary of seed-words # let's use this list of seed-words about countries data_dictionary_newsmap_en names(data_dictionary_newsmap_en) names(data_dictionary_newsmap_en[["EUROPE"]]) names(data_dictionary_newsmap_en[["EUROPE"]] [["SOUTH"]]) print(data_dictionary_newsmap_en[["EUROPE"]][["SOUTH"]], max_nkey=15) label <- dfm(corp, dictionary = data_dictionary_newsmap_en) label[1:6, 190:205] # i.e., the keywords of the topic "IT" of our dictionary appears twice in the corpus, the same for the topic "ES" # while 2 texts have no seed words # Step 3: let's train the model model_en <- textmodel_newsmap(feat_dfm_en, label) # now all the words of our two texts, including those not included in the seed-words, get a value! # take a look at the scores for Milan and Granada (not originally included in the seed dictionary!) model_en$model # let's predict the label - we also predicted (correctly) both text5 and text6 (i.e., thoese texts that did not # include any seed words originally) predict(model_en) # Step 4: we can now apply the trained model to other new texts text_en2 <- c(text7 = "Make India great again", text8 = "I love the sea!") corp2 <- tokens(text_en2) feat_dfm_en2 <- dfm(corp2, tolower = TRUE) # can you explain why you get such results? predict(model_en, newdata=feat_dfm_en2) # we cannot classify text5 because it does not include any words included in the texts included considered during # our training-stage. On the other side text6 has been classified as "Spain" thanks to the word sea model_en$model ######################################## ### another example with the movie review databaset ######################################## # Step 1: let's begin with the texts data("data_corpus_moviereviews", package = "quanteda.textmodels") corp <- tail(data_corpus_moviereviews, 500) # keeping the first 500 texts texts(corp )[2] ndoc(corp ) dfmt <- dfm(corp, remove_number = TRUE, tolower = TRUE) # min_char: I specify the minimum length in characters for tokens to be removed dfmt <- dfm_remove(dfmt, stopwords('en'), min_nchar = 2) dfmt <- dfm_trim(dfmt, min_termfreq = 0.90, termfreq_type = "quantile", max_docfreq = 0.1, docfreq_type = "prop") topfeatures(dfmt, 50) # Step 2: let's apply a dictionary of seed-words - remember my dictionary option dict <- dictionary(list(people = c("family", "couple", "kids", "child", "parents"), space = c("alien", "planet", "space"), monster = c("monster*", "ghost*", "zombie*", "scream"), war = c("war*", "soldier*", "tanks"), crime = c("crime*", "murder", "killer", "police"))) dict label <- dfm(corp, remove_number = TRUE, tolower = TRUE, dictionary = dict) label[1:2, 1:5] # i.e., the keywords of the topic "crime" of our dictionary appears 3 times in the second review, etc. # Step 3: let's train the model model_en <- textmodel_newsmap(dfmt, label) # now all the words of our texts, including those not included in the seed-words, get a value! # take a look at words toys, dating, tarantino model_en$model # let's predict the label predict(model_en) prop.table(table(predict(model_en))) # let's save the trained prediction newsmap_pred <- prop.table(table(predict(model_en))) newsmap_pred # Step 4: let's apply the trained model to completely new texts corp2 <- tail(data_corpus_moviereviews, 250) # keeping the last 250 texts ndoc(corp2) dfmt2 <- dfm(corp2, remove_number = TRUE, tolower = TRUE) dfmt2 <- dfm_remove(dfmt2, stopwords('en'), min_nchar = 2) dfmt2 <- dfm_trim(dfmt2, min_termfreq = 0.90, termfreq_type = "quantile", max_docfreq = 0.1, docfreq_type = "prop") predict(model_en, newdata=dfmt2) prop.table(table(predict(model_en))) prop.table(table(predict(model_en, newdata=dfmt2))) ######################################### ######################################### ################################################################ ########## Let's estimate KeyAtm ################################################################ ######################################### ######################################### # let's go back to the movie reviews database but now let's consider 1,000 reviews data("data_corpus_moviereviews", package = "quanteda.textmodels") corp <- tail(data_corpus_moviereviews, 500)+head(data_corpus_moviereviews, 500) # keeping the last and the first 500 texts texts(corp )[2] ndoc(corp ) # just an exammple here: I could have also removed stopwords, turning everything into lower case, etc. dfmt <- dfm(corp, remove_number = TRUE) # min_char: I specify the minimum length in characters for tokens to be removed dfmt <- dfm_remove(dfmt, stopwords('en'), min_nchar = 2) # I keep only words that occurr in the top 90% of the distribution and in less than 10% of documents # (i.e., very frequent but document-specific words) dfmt <- dfm_trim(dfmt, min_termfreq = 0.90, termfreq_type = "quantile", max_docfreq = 0.1, docfreq_type = "prop") # Researchers are required to remove any documents that do not contain any # terms before using the keyATM_read() function. # If there are documents that do not contain any terms, the keyATM_read() # function raises a warning. It is highly recommended to manually check # documents with length 0 before fitting the model, otherwise, the keyATM # will automatically drop these documents when fitting a model. # no problems here table(ntoken(dfmt) > 0) # if you have problems, you can use the dfm_subset such as this: "dfm_subset(dfmt, ntoken(dfmt) >0)" # keyATM_read function reads your data for keyATM. keyATM_docs <- keyATM_read(texts = dfmt) summary(keyATM_docs) # let's identify our keywords keywords <- list(people = c("teen", "kid", "children", "husband"), space = c("alien", "aliens", "planet", "space"), monster = c("monster", "ghosts", "fear"), war = c("war", "soldier", "military"), crime = c("crime", "murder", "killer")) # Keywords should appear a reasonable number of times (typically more than 0.1% of the corpus) in the documents. # In our example some keywords do not satisfy such benchmark (and the topic "monster" overall appears to have problems) key_viz <- visualize_keywords(docs = keyATM_docs, keywords = keywords) key_viz values_fig(key_viz) # Proportion is defined as a number of times a keyword occurs in the corpus divided by the total length of documents. # This measures the frequency of the keyword in the corpus. # The prune argument of the visualize_keywords() function is TRUE by default. It drops keywords that do not appear # in the corpus and raises a warning if there is any. keywords_2 <- list( crime = c("crime", "murder", "killer", "trump")) key_viz2 <- visualize_keywords(docs = keyATM_docs, keywords = keywords_2) key_viz2 values_fig(key_viz2) ## If all keywords assigned to a topic is pruned, it raises an error. keywords_3 <- list(crime = c("trump", "biden")) key_viz3 <- visualize_keywords(docs = keyATM_docs, keywords = keywords_3) # Fitting the model # We pass the output of the keyATM_read function and keywords to the keyATM function. # Additionally, we need to specify the number of topics without keywords (the no_keyword_topics argument) # and model. Since this example does not use covariates or time stamps, base is the appropriate model. # To guarantee the replicability, let's set the random seed in the option argument system.time(out <- keyATM(docs = keyATM_docs, # text input no_keyword_topics = 1, # number of topics without keywords; in this case: 1; but you can add any number you want, # including decide to NOT include any no-keyword topic keywords = keywords, # keywords model = "base", # select the model options = list(seed = 123))) # There are two main quantities of interest in topic models (and you know that!): # First, "topic-word distribution" represents the relative frequency of words for each topics, characterizing the topic content # The top_words() function returns a table of top words for each of estimated topics. Keywords assigned to a keyword topic are suffixed with a check mark. # Keywords from another keyword topic are labeled with the topic id of that category. top_words(out) # what? [] stands for? "\u2713" # check here? https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/utf8/vignettes/utf8.html # In the table above, "children" and "husband" are keywords of the "people" topic for example # There are no keywords under the "monster" topic. Why? Cause they were not originally present that much already since the beginning: # see: key_viz. In this case, we should probably go back to the "monster" topic and improve the qualities of our keywords # The no-keyword topic probably is a topic discussing about Holidays movies? # There are two main quantities of interest in topic models (and you know that!): # Second, "document-topic distribution" represents the topic prevalence. # To explore documents that are highly associated with each topic, the top_docs() function returns a table of document indexes in which a topic has high proportion. # The table below indicates, for example, that the 447 document in the corpus has the highest proportion of the Space topic among all other documents. top_docs(out) texts(corp )[447] # You may want to obtain the entire document-topic distribution and topic-word distribution # The output of the keyATM() function contains both quantities. out$theta # Document-topic distribution apply(out$theta,2,mean) # mean distribution of topics out$phi # Topic-word distribution # The keyATM provides other functions to diagnose and explore the fitted model. First, it is important to check the model fitting. # If the model is working as expected, we would observe an increase trend for the log-likelihood and an decrease trend for the perplexity (remember?). # Also the fluctuation of these values get smaller as iteration increases. The plot_modelfit() function visualizes the within sample log-likelihood and perplexity plot_modelfit(out) # Furthermore, the keyATM can visualize alpha, the prior for the document-topic distribution. Values of these parameters should stabilize over time. # As well as pi, the probability that each topic uses keyword topic-word distribution (as you can see, we have a bit of problem for the "monster" class) plot_alpha(out) plot_pi(out) ######################################### ### Let's compare the results with off-keywords topics =3 or off-keywords topics =5 ######################################### system.time(out2 <- keyATM(docs = keyATM_docs, # text input no_keyword_topics = 3, # number of topics without keywords; in this case: 1; but you can add any number you want keywords = keywords, # keywords model = "base", # select the model options = list(seed = 123))) system.time(out3 <- keyATM(docs = keyATM_docs, # text input no_keyword_topics = 5, # number of topics without keywords; in this case: 1; but you can add any number you want keywords = keywords, # keywords model = "base", # select the model options = list(seed = 123))) apply(out$theta,2,mean) apply(out2$theta,2,mean) apply(out3$theta,2,mean) cor(apply(out$theta[,1:5],2,mean), apply(out2$theta[,1:5],2,mean)) cor(apply(out$theta[,1:5],2,mean), apply(out3$theta[,1:5],2,mean)) ######################################### ### Adding Covariate ######################################### # in the dfm there is a variable named "sentiment" either positive or negative (for a positive or negative review of the movie) str(dfmt) table(dfmt@docvars$sentiment) # IMPORTANT: Since the keyATM does not take missing values, you must remove any missing values from covariates before extracting # them. Moreover, I strongly recommend to extract covariates after preprocessing texts (i.e., after you have created your dfm) # because preprocessing steps will remove documents without any terms, which may result in any discrepancies between documents and covariates. # Therefore, the recommended procedure is (1) removing missing values from covariates, (2) preprocessing texts (including the process to discard documents # that do not contain any words), and (3) extracting covariates vars_selected <- as.data.frame(dfmt@docvars$sentiment) # let's extract in a data frame the "sentiment" covariate names(vars_selected )[1] <- "sentiment" # let's rename it str(vars_selected) # Note: given that we want also to run an analysis on Topic-word distributions, we have to use the "keep" argument in the keyATM() function # to store Z and S. See below. Otherwise, we could have dropped the last line of the command system.time(out <- keyATM(docs = keyATM_docs, no_keyword_topics = 1, keywords = keywords, model = "covariates", model_settings = list(covariates_data = vars_selected, covariates_formula = ~ sentiment), options = list(seed = 123), keep = c("Z", "S") )) # keyATM automatically standardizes non-factor covariates (i.e., each covariates to have zero mean and a standard deviation one) # while it does not standardize factor covariate (default) as it happens in our case # This transformation does not change the substantive results as it is a linear transformation. # The standardize option in model_settings argument of the keyATM() function takes one of "all", "none", or "non-factor" (default) # "all" standardizes all covariates (except the intercept), "none" does not standardize any covariates, and "non-factor" standardizes non-factor covariates. # You can glance covariate information with the covariates_info() and the covariates_get() function will return covariates # used in the fitted output. In this case, nothing exciting... covariates_info(out) head(covariates_get(out)) tail(covariates_get(out)) # The covariate keyATM can characterize the relations between covariates and document-topic distributions. # We can obtain the marginal posterior mean of document-topic distribution conditioned on the covariates. # Suppose that we want to know document-topic distributions for each type of sentiment (pos/neg) # We use a binary variable sentimentpos, which indicates the sentiment for this purpose. # The by_strata_DocTopic() function can display the marginal posterior means of document-topic distributions # for each value of (discrete) covariates (note that it also accepts continuous variables) # In the by_strata_DocTopic() function, we specify the variable we focus on in by_var argument # and label each value in the variable (ascending order). # In this case, the sentimentpos equals 0 indicates negative reviews and equals 1 for positive reviews; # if you have a mac, avoid to add "mc.cores = 1" strata_topic <- by_strata_DocTopic(out, by_var = "sentimentpos", labels = c("Negative", "Positive"), mc.cores = 1) # We can visualize results with the plot() function. The figure shows the marginal posterior means of document-topic distributions # and the 90% credible intervals of them for each value of covariates. # The figure indicates that crime movies are more likely to receive a negative review contrary to people movies fig_doctopic <- plot(strata_topic, var_name = "sentimentpos", show_topic = c(1:6)) fig_doctopic # we can also change the credible intervals: below we are using a 99% credible interval for example fig_doctopic <- plot(strata_topic, var_name = "sentimentpos", show_topic = c(1:6), ci=.99) fig_doctopic # all results together: plot(strata_topic, var_name = "sentimentpos", show_topic = c(1:6), by = "covariate") # Using the output of the keyATM, we can calculate 95% (or any other) credible intervals of the differences in the mean of document-topic distribution. str(strata_topic ) theta1 <- strata_topic$theta[[1]] # negative reviews str(theta1) theta2 <- strata_topic$theta[[2]] # positive reviews str(theta2) theta_diff <- theta2[, c(1:6)] - theta1[, c(1:6)] # positive minus negative reviews # we can see that there is a statistical significant difference for people movies (at least with a 95% credible interval), # that is, people movies tend to get with higher probability a positive rather than a negative review, but not for ex. for monster ones theta_diff_quantile <- apply(theta_diff, 2, quantile, c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)) theta_diff_quantile ############################################### ##### Topic-word distributions ############################################### # Although the covariate keyATM does not directly model topic-word distributions (i.e., topical content), # the model can examine how topic-word distributions change across different values of document-level covariates. # We can pass the output with our stored values (obtained via the "keep" command above) to the by_strata_TopicWord() function. # The example below demonstrates top words associated to each topic for positive and negative rewiews using the Sentiment covariate. strata_tw <- by_strata_TopicWord(out, keyATM_docs, by = as.vector(vars_selected$sentiment)) # We check the result top_words(strata_tw, n = 10) # with keyATM you can also run a semi-supervised dynamic topic analysis (we do not consider it here)