Professor of Political Science, Università degli Studi di Milano, Department of social and political sciences
Via Conservatorio, 7 - 20122 Milan, Italy
Tel. +39 02 50321231 Fax. +39 02 50321240
Office hours: Wednesady 12:45-15:45, room 319
Plz write me in advance to make an appointment
Via Conservatorio, 7 - 20122 Milan, Italy
Tel. +39 02 50321231 Fax. +39 02 50321240
Office hours: Wednesady 12:45-15:45, room 319
Plz write me in advance to make an appointment
My latest books: "Discussing the Islamic State on Twitter" (Palgrave); The SAGE Handbook of Research Methods in Political Science and International Relations (SAGE); "Corruption, Ideology, and Populism. The Rise of Valence Political Campaigning" (Palgrave)
My latest scientific articles: Spatial Contagion and Party Competition on Environmental Issue Salience (Electoral Studies); "“I trust you, but I’m scared!” Attitudinal and emotional drivers of support for restrictive interventions during crises (Political Psychology); The Colors of the Populist Radical Right: The Strategic Use of Hue and Saturation in Party Logos (The International Journal of Press/Politics) My latest op/eds on press: "Il progressismo sta decedendo a causa del suo troppo successo" (Italia Oggi); "Kamala Harris, punta tutto su "gioia" e "felicità" perché non è credibile su riforme ed economia" (Libero); "Indovina chi viene a cena? La sinistra al tempo della polarizzazione affettiva"(Sole 24 Ore) |