Discussing the Islamic State on Twitter (with Matteo Colombo), London: Palgrave/MacMillan, 2022 (dataset & replication files for econometric analysis)
SAGE Handbook of Research Methods in Political Science & International Relations (with Robert J. Franzese), London: Sage, April 2020
Corruption, Ideology, Populism. The rise of valence political campaigning, London: Palgrave, 2018
L’arte di fare (e disfare) i governi: da De Gasperi a Renzi 70 anni di politica italiana (with Luca Pinto), Milan: Egea, 2017
(dataset & instruction files) |
Politics and Big Data. Nowcasting and Forecasting Elections with Social Media (with Andrea Ceron & Stefano M. Iacus), London: Routledge, 2017
Why Policy Representation Matters: The Consequences of Ideological Congruence between Citizens and their Governments (with Willy Jou & Vincenzo Memoli), London: Routledge, 2015 (dataset & instruction files)
Social Media e Sentiment Analysis. L'evoluzione dei fenomeni sociali attraverso la Rete (with Andrea Ceron & Stefano M. Iacus), Milan: Springer, 2013
I partiti nella Prima Repubblica. Maggioranze e governi dalla Costituente a Tangentopoli (with Paolo Martelli), Rome: Carocci, 2009 (book review in “Bullettin of Italian Politics")
Il dilemma della cooperazione. Capitale sociale, sviluppo, cooperazione, Milan: V&P Università 2004
Papers in peer-reviewed journals
Spatial Contagion and Party Competition on Environmental Issue Salience (with Luca Pinto), Electoral Studies,
"“I trust you, but I’m scared!” Attitudinal and emotional drivers of support for restrictive interventions during crises (with Matteo Casiraghi and Alessandro Nai), Political Psychology,
Sexism and media communication. An application to the Italian case (with Elia Arfini and Fabiana Giannuzzi), Social Science Computer Review,
The Colors of the Populist Radical Right: The Strategic Use of Hue and Saturation in Party Logos (with Benjamin Moffitt and Mattia Zulianello), The International Journal of Press/Politics,
Who looks up to the Leviathan? Ideology, political trust, and support for restrictive state interventions in times of crisis (with Matteo Casiraghi, Nicola Maggini and Alessandro Nai), European Political Science Review, DOI: (dataset; replication file)
The Gender Gap in Issue Attention and Language Use within a Legislative Setting: An Application to the Italian Parliament (1948–2020) (with Silvia Decadri , Alfio Ferrara, Stefano Montanelli, Fedra Negri and Francesco Periti), Politics & Gender, doi: 10.1017/S1743923X2300051X
"It's the ideology, stupid!". Trust in the press, ideological proximity between citizens and journalists and political parallelism. A comparative approach in 17 countries (with Diego Garusi and Sergio Splendore), International Communication Gazette, doi: 10.1177/17480485231165596
Populism in the Eye of the Beholder? A Conjoint Experiment on Citizens’ Identification of Populists (with Matteo Casiraghi and Alessandro Nai), European Journal of Political Research, 63: 214–235, 2024
(dataset; replication file) |
The Colors of Ideology: Chromatic Isomorphism and Political Party Logos (with Matteo Casiraghi and Eugenio Cusumano), Party Politics, doi: 10.1177/13540688221080539 (link to the Logo database; script & dataset)
Capturing causation in political science: the perspective of research design (with Alessia Damonte), Italian Review of Political Science, 51(2), 2021, 157-163
When the worlds of preferences collide: Determinants of MP’s attitudes on the Italian Questione Romana 1861-1870 (with Matteo Casiraghi), Parliamentary Affairs, doi:10.1093/pa/gsab032
What you seek is who you are. An applied spatial model of newspapers ideological slant, The International Journal of Press/Politics, 27(1), 2022, 96-119 (replication files)
Committed moderates and uncommitted extremists: ideological leaning and parties’ narratives on military interventions in Italy (with Valerio Vignoli), Foreign Policy Analysis, doi: 10.1093/fpa/orab016 (replication files)
Short-term issue emphasis on Twitter during the 2017 German election: A comparison of the economic left-right and socio-cultural dimensions (with Andrea Ceron and Wiebke Drews), German Politics, DOI: 10.1080/09644008.2020.1836161
Proximity between citizens and journalists as a determinant of trust in the media. An application to Italy (with Sergio Splendore), Journalism Studies, 21, 9, 2020, 1167-1185
Commenting on Political Topics Through Twitter: Is European Politics European? (with Andrea Ceron and Javier Ruiz-Soler), Social Media + Society, DOI: 10.1177/2056305119890882
The spatial determinants of the prevalence of anti-elite rhetoric across parties, West European Politics, 43(7), 2020, 1415-1435 (dataset & replication file)
Intra-party Politics and Interest Groups: Missing Links in Explaining Government Effectiveness (with Andrea Ceron and Fedra Negri), Public Choice, 180, 3/4, 2019, 407:427
The integrity of the 2016 US Presidential election: exploring the possible impact of ideology on experts, Party Politics, 2021, 27(1), 81-91
ISIS at its apogee: the Arabic discourse on Twitter and what we can learn from that about ISIS support and Foreign Fighters (with Andrea Ceron & Stefano M. Iacus), Sage Open, 2019, DOI: 10.1177/2158244018789229
Intensity of government–opposition divide as measured through legislative speeches and what we can learn from it. Analyses of Japanese parliamentary debates, 1953–2013 (with Airo Hino & Atsushi Osaki), Government and Opposition, 55(2), 2020, 184-201
(a space-invader video!) |
ISIS and heritage destruction: A sentiment analysis (with Emma Cunliffe), Antiquity. A Review of World Archaeology, 92(364), 2018, 1094-1111 [here an article published at Lavanguardia discussing about our research]
Nash Optimal Party Positions: The nopp R Package (with Stefano M. Iacus), Journal of Statistical Software, 81(11), 2017
The conditional impact of winner/loser status and ideological proximity on citizen participation (with Willy Jou), European Journal of Political Research, 55, 2016, 767-788 (dataset & instruction files)
iSA: a fast, scalable and accurate algorithm for sentiment analysis of social media content (with Andrea Ceron & Stefano M. Iacus), Information Sciences, 367–368 (1), 2016, 105–124
E-Campaigning in the 2014 European Elections: The emphasis on valence issues in a two-dimensional multi-party system (with Andrea Ceron), Party Politics, 24(2), 2018, 105-117 (dataset & instruction files)
First and second level agenda-setting in the Twitter-sphere. An application to the Italian political debate (with Andrea Ceron & Stefano M. Iacus), Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 13(2), 2016, 159-174
Using social media to forecast electoral results: A review of state of the art (with Andrea Ceron & Stefano M. Iacus), Italian Journal of Applied Statistics, 25(3), 2016, 239-261 (dataset & instruction files)
An Italian Leitmotiv? Corruption and Competence in the Debates of the Italian Chamber of Deputies (1946-2014), South European Society and Politics, 20(4), 2015, 509-531 (dataset & instruction files)
Legislative committees as uncertainty reduction devices in multiparty parliamentary democracies (with Francesco Zucchini), West European Politics, 38(5), 2015, 1042-1061
(dataset & instruction files) |
More than Post-election Cabinets: Uncertainty and the Magnitude of Change during Italian Government Bargaining (with Luca Pinto), International Political Science Review, 37(2), 2016, 184-197
(dataset & instruction files) |
The conditional ideological inducement to campaign on character valence issues in multiparty systems. The case of corruption, Comparative Political Studies, 48(2), 2015, 168–192 (dataset & instruction files)
How Moderates and Extremists find Happiness: Ideological Orientation, Citizen-Government Proximity, and Life Satisfaction (with Willy Jou & Vincenzo Memoli), International Political Science Review, 35(2), 2014, 129-152 (dataset & instruction files)
Italian Law-Making Archive: A new tool for analysis of the Italian legislative process (with Enrico Borghetto, Marco Giuliani, Alessandro Pellegata, & Francesco Zucchini), Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 3(2012): 481-502 (link to the dataset ILMA)
Satisfaction with Democracy and the Winner-Loser Debate: the role of policy preferences and past experience (with Willy Jou & Vincenzo Memoli), British Journal of Political Science, 42(2), 2012, 241-261 (dataset & instruction files)
Fortuna e abilità in 65 anni di Serie A, Rivista di Diritto ed Economia dello Sport, Vol.VII, 1, 2011, 127-146 (dataset & instruction files)
Gli agent-based models: come modellare la complessità, Quaderni di Scienza Politica, 3, 2009, 517-531
Electoral systems and government stability: a simulation of 2006 Italian policy space (with Paolo Martelli), AUCO Czech Economic Review, 3, 2009, 305-322
La vicenda Tambroni, la questione dell’antifascismo e la nascita del «centro-sinistra». Un caso di narrazione analitica (with Paolo Martelli), Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 1, 2008, 3-28
A call for more structure in Collective Action Theory, Sociologica, vol.3, 2007
Un’applicazione della teoria delle coalizioni alle elezioni tedesche del 2005: alcuni scenari (with Andrea Ceron), Quaderni di Scienza Politica, 2, 2007, 251-273
Vox populi-vox dei? (Alcuni) limiti e (alcuni) paradossi della pratica deliberativa, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 2, 2006, 231-257
Note sulla democrazia deliberativa: giochi, preferenze, consenso, Quaderni di Scienza Politica, 3, 2004, 521-552
Capitale sociale e rendimento istituzionale: il caso di un programma di microfinanza, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, XXXIII, 1, 2003, 113-143
Statistical programs
Nopp. An R-package to estimate Nash Optimal Party Positions (with Stefano M. Iacus), Version: 1.0.8.
Chapters in Books
Chi è un populista? La parola ai cittadini (with Matteo Casiraghi and Alessandro Nai), in Mattia Zulianello, Petra Guasti (eds.), Capire il Populismo, 2024, UTET, pp.168-170
Searching for a Unicorn: Fake News and Electoral Behaviour (with Eugenio Pizzimenti), in Serena Giusti, Elisa Piras (eds.), Democracy and Fake News. Information Manipulation and Post-Truth Politics, 2020, Routledge, pp.77-91
Sentiment Analysis and Social Media (with Robert Fahey), in Luigi Curini & Robert Franzese (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Research Methods in Political Science and International Relations, 2020, Sage, 534-551; Appendix
Social Media and Elections (with Andrea Ceron & Stefano M. Iacus), in Kai Arzheimer,
Jocelyn Evans & Michael Lewis-Beck (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Electoral Behaviour, 2017, Sage, 883-904 |
Il governo Letta: formazione del governo e (in)stabilità in tempo di crisi (with Andrea Ceron), in Amie Krepel & Carlo Fusaro (eds.), Politica in Italia: I fatti dell'anno e le interpretazioni. 2014, Bologna, il Mulino, 151-169
The Letta Cabinet(s) Government Formation and (In)stability in Times of Crisis: a Spatial Approach (with Andrea Ceron), in Amie Krepel & Carlo Fusaro (eds.), Italian Politics: Still Waiting for the Transformation, 2014, 143-159, Berghahn Books
Testing the law making theories in a parliamentary democracy: a roll call analysis of the Italian Chamber of Deputies (1988-2008) (with Francesco Zucchini), in Thomas König, George Tsebelis & Marc Debus (eds.), Reform processes and policy change: Veto players and decision-making in modern democracies, 2010, Springer, 189-211 (dataset & instruction files)
On the externalities of social capital: between myth and reality, in Derrick Purdue (ed.), Civil Societies and Social Movements: Potentials and Problems, 2007, Routledge, 147-165
Ebooks & popular books
Il Dragone nella rete, in Francesco Galietti (ed.) Contagio rosso. Perché l'Italia è diventata il cavallo di Troia della Cina in Occidente, 2020, 69-79, Historica Edizioni
Competing coordination devices in legislative arenas: The case for dyadic analysis of parliamentary behavior (with Francesco Marangoni & Filippo Tronconi), CIRCAP Occasional Papers, 3/2018
Expo Milano 2o15: Legacies in Tweets (with Vera Ventura, Stefano M. Iacus, Andrea Ceron & Dario G. Frisio), International Journal on Food System Dynamics, Proceedings in System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks 2016, 398:405
Forecasting elections with social media? Yes, we can. Almost…(Andrea Ceron & Stefano M. Iacus.), Politics in Spire, The Oxford University Politics Blog, 2015
The cohesion of committees is key in determining their legislative effectiveness, Democratic Audit UK, London School of Economics & Political Science, 2015
Nowcasting (and forecasting) politics through social media? A personal view , Italian Political Science, 9(1), 2014
Eight years of development: the Italian academic community of Political Scientists within Universities and Departments, Italian Political Science, 2, 2009
Co-editor of the Italian version of : Principles of Comparative Politics, W.R. Clark, M. Golder and S.N. Golder, 2009, Washington DC: Sage (Italian title: Principi di Scienza Politica, 2011, Milan, McGraw-Hill)
Expert survey of 2008 Italian General Election (with Kenneth Benoit) (Detailed respondent data – Summary data). Every time you use the survey for your own research, please quote it as: Curini, Luigi & Stefano M. Iacus (2008). Italian spatial competition between 2006 and 2008: a changing party system?, paper presented at the XXII Congress of the Italian Political Science Society (SISP), Pavia, 5-8 September
Work in progress
Multimodal analysis (with Giovanni Pagano)
The dynamics of Lockdowns (with Piero Stanig and Gianmarco Daniele)
Religion and Italian politics (with Andrea Molle and Giovanni Pagano)
Informazione e Italia (with Carlo Lottieri)
The dynamics of Lockdowns (with Piero Stanig and Gianmarco Daniele)
Religion and Italian politics (with Andrea Molle and Giovanni Pagano)
Informazione e Italia (with Carlo Lottieri)